About Northamptonshire Law Society
On the 28th June 1879 the Northamptonshire Law Society came into being as a company limited by guarantee. Since that time the Society has represented the interests of its members serving the public in the county and further afield.
The Northamptonshire Law Society is a voluntary organisation. It is independent of the Law Society of England & Wales. It exists to provide a focal point for solicitors in the county. Throughout its history, the Society has been concerned with the administration of justice in the county. It monitors the law as it affects its members, and maintains contact with the judiciary.
The Society maintains an interest in all matters that may have an effect on its members at a local or national level, and makes representations where appropriate.
A strong dependable local law society is an asset to its members, and its clients. With the modern approach that the Society adopts to the administration of its functions, it is set fair to continue its present role successfully for many years to come.
However, the Society is not a local branch of the Law Society of England & Wales and therefore does not have any formal authority or jurisdiction over local solicitors or their firms. Furthermore, the Society does not provide legal advice to members of the public, which is the function of the members’ solicitors.
To locate a specialist solicitor in the relevant area please refer to the Law Society's search facility at : https://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk/
Reg Office: 4 Grange Park Court, Roman Way, Northampton NN4 5EA.
Registered in England No. 13181. A company limited by guarantee.
To provide general support for solicitors, their staff and firms in Northamptonshire
To provide opportunities for social interaction between firms
To foster goodwill and friendship between solicitors in Northamptonshire
To support individual solicitors and friends in difficulty
To provide appropriate legal and management training.
To encourage co-operation between firms
To support standards of honesty and integrity in the profession
To arrange social events
To help would be trainee and young solicitors.
To maintain standards